
Encourage One Another

“Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of His return is drawing near.”  Hebrews 10:24-25 NLT

Recently there was a span of three days when several people that I know contacted me needing encouragement. The range of problems and situations was diverse, but the solution was constant. Whenever someone asks me for encouragement, I offer a listening ear, an understanding heart and an encouraging Word from God. As the times are changing, I am noticing that more and more people are needing encouragement. People are struggling with so much these days, up to and including severe depression, and I’ve never seen the need for Christian love in community as I do right now.

In the above verses, the author of Hebrews says that we should not neglect meeting together. Often this verse is cited as a way to encourage us to meet as the Church. While I do think that’s a key component of it, there’s more to it than just making sure we are there to sign the roll and be counted as present. God’s plan for His Church is for us  to live in community, to love one another and help one another through the stresses of life (Galatians 6:2). God knew that there would be hard times in this life, and He knew that these times would get worse and more frequent as this age draws to a close. It’s urgent then that we are all there for each other, to motivate each other to love and good works, to encourage one another through the trials of life, to spread the gospel together to those who aren’t yet saved.

If you’re reading this and have not connected to a local church, please consider doing so as soon as possible. As the Bible says, God gave each of us a unique set of talents to use to serve His people and show them His grace in its many forms (I Peter 4:10-11). And we all need each other. Just as I was the one people called on for encouragement, there will come a time when I will need to call someone to encourage me. We all need it from time to time. Be blessed.

2 replies on “Encourage One Another”

Amen!! Thanks for sharing! We definitely need to keep one another lifted up and encouraged!!! Encouragement, whether in word or deed, goes a looooooooong way!!! It could be the difference between someone choosing life or death…literally.

It really could. It’s so important. I know there are times when a simple word of encouragement changes my whole mood.

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