
Enjoy the Ride

“Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done, Saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, And I will do all My pleasure,’”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭46‬:‭10‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

When it comes to movies, tv shows or books, I have never liked spoilers. Once you ruin the ending of something for me, I no longer want to watch it or read it. This probably goes back to when I was growing up and I had a first cousin who was notorious for ruining the ending of movies. Since then, I have always wanted to experience my entertainment spoiler-free. I trust the authors to set up a story that pays off in the end and I appreciate the opportunity to enjoy the journey without knowing quite how it all ends.

Life can be like this too. We’re not quite sure of the journey or how it will all end (aside from the fact that eventually we will either die or see Jesus return). But we can enjoy the ride nonetheless because we can trust that the Author has set up a story that pays off in the end. In the scripture above, the prophet Isaiah shares the message from the Lord that He knows the end from the beginning. We can rest in knowing that God will do what He wills (Job 42:2). No matter what happens in life, it will all work out for us both in the end (Romans 8:28) and along the way (Psalm 37:25).

The journey of life is often spoiler-free, as we never know what’s going to happen, good or bad. But honestly, as long as God is directing it, I’d have it no other way. I know my story will be incredible and it will end in triumph.

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